208.477. For each state fiscal year, if the criteria used todetermine eligibility for Medicaid coverage under a Section 1115 waiver aremore restrictive than those in place in state fiscal year 2003, thedivision of medical services shall:
(1) Reduce the federal reimbursement allowance assessment for thatfiscal year. The reduction shall equal the amount of federal reimbursementallowance appropriated to fund the Section 1115 waiver in state fiscal year2002 multiplied by the percentage decrease in Medicaid waiver enrollment asa result of using the more restrictive waiver eligibility standards; and
(2) Increase cost of the uninsured payments for that fiscal year.The increased payments shall offset the higher uninsured costs resultingfrom the use of more restrictive Medicaid waiver eligibility criteria, asdetermined by the department of social services.
(L. 2003 H.B. 286)Expires 9-30-11 or upon reaching the contingency contained in ยง 208.478, whichever first occurs.