208.503. 1. The division shall select project participantsfrom applicants who meet the criteria and requirements set forthin subsection 3 of this section.
2. Subject to appropriations, the division shall providechild care and medical services to no more than two hundred fiftyhead-of-household participants. Such child care and medicalservices will continue until the earned income of the participantis at least two times the minimum wage. The division shalldeliver the transitional child care assistance through a vendorvoucher payment or purchase of service system which requires thatas the recipient's earned income increases, the recipient shallcontribute to the cost of the assistance in accordance with asliding scale fee established by rule.
3. In order to be considered for selection as a prospectiveproject participant pursuant to sections 208.500 to 208.507:
(1) A person shall apply to the division to participate inthe program;
(2) An applicant shall have been a recipient of AFDCbenefits for at least twelve of the last thirty-six monthspreceding application;
(3) The applicant shall have become ineligible for AFDCbenefits due to an increase in earned income, within the yearpreceding application, or is currently receiving transitionalchild care services as defined in section 208.400;
(4) The applicant shall be employed at the time ofapplication and not receiving employer paid child care or medicalservices;
(5) The applicant shall meet any other criteria asdetermined by the division of family services.
(L. 1993 H.B. 330 ยง 7)