208.533. 1. There is hereby established a twenty-member "Commission onthe Special Health, Psychological and Social Needs of Minority OlderIndividuals" under the division of aging. The commission shall consist of thefollowing members:
(1) The directors of the departments of health and senior services,mental health and social services or their designees;
(2) The directors of the office of minority health and the division ofaging who shall serve as cochairs of the commission;
(3) Two members of the Missouri house of representatives, one from eachmajor political party represented in the house of representatives, appointedby the speaker of the house who shall serve in a nonvoting, advisory capacity;
(4) Two members of the senate, one from each major political partyrepresented in the senate, appointed by the president pro tem of the senatewho shall serve in a nonvoting, advisory capacity;
(5) A representative of the office of the lieutenant governor who shallserve in a nonvoting, advisory capacity; and
(6) Ten individuals appointed by the governor with the advice andconsent of the senate who are currently working in the field of minorityelderly health, psychological or social problems who have demonstratedexpertise in one or more of the following areas: treatment of cardiovascular,cancer and diabetic conditions; nutrition; community-based health services;legal services; elderly consumer advocacy; gerontology or geriatrics; socialwork and other related services including housing. At least two of theindividuals appointed by the governor shall be minority older individuals.The members appointed by the governor shall be residents of Missouri. Anyvacancy on the commission shall be filled in the same manner as the originalappointment.
2. Members appointed by the governor shall serve for three-year terms.Other members, except legislative members, shall serve for as long as theyhold the position which made them eligible for appointment. Legislativemembers shall serve during their current term of office but may bereappointed.
3. Members of the commission shall not be compensated for theirservices, but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurredin the performance of their duties. The office of administration and thedepartments of health and senior services, mental health and social servicesshall provide such support as the commission requires to aid it in theperformance of its duties.
(L. 1994 S.B. 480, A.L. 1995 H.B. 502, A.L. 1999 S.B. 7)