208.535. The responsibilities of the commission shall include, butnot be limited to, the following:
(1) The commission shall annually prepare a report identifying thespecial needs of the minority older population in Missouri as compared tothe older population at-large and make recommendations for meeting thoseneeds. The report shall be completed no later than October first of eachyear, beginning in 1999, and copies transmitted to the governor, thegeneral assembly and appropriate state agencies. The report shall, at aminimum:
(a) Contain an overview of the special health, psychological andsocial needs of minority older Missourians with particular attention tolow-income minority older individuals;
(b) Identify specific diseases and health conditions for whichminority older individuals are at greater risk than the general population;
(c) Identify problems experienced by minority older individuals inobtaining services from governmental agencies;
(d) Identify programs at the state and local level designed tospecifically meet the needs of minority older individuals; and
(e) Recommend program improvements and services at the state andlocal level designed to address the special unmet needs of the minorityolder population;
(2) In preparing the report required by this section, the commissionshall solicit and consider the input of individuals and organizationsrepresenting the concerns of the minority older population, with particularattention to the service needs of those with incomes below the federalpoverty level, concerning:
(a) Programs and services needed by minority older individuals;
(b) The extent to which existing programs do not meet the needs ofminority older individuals;
(c) The accessibility of existing programs to minority olderindividuals;
(d) The availability and adequacy of information regarding existingservices;
(e) Health problems that minority older individuals experience at ahigher rate than the nonminority older population; and
(f) Financial, social and other barriers experienced by minorityolder individuals in obtaining needed services;
(3) Conduct an outreach program that provides information to minorityolder Missourians about health, psychological and social problemsexperienced by minority older individuals and available programs to addressthose problems, as identified in the report prepared pursuant to thissection.
(L. 1994 S.B. 480, A.L. 1999 S.B. 7)