208.670. 1. As used in this section, these terms shall have thefollowing meaning:
(1) "Provider", any provider of medical services and mental healthservices, including all other medical disciplines;
(2) "Telehealth", the use of medical information exchanged from onesite to another via electronic communications to improve the health statusof a patient.
2. The department of social services, in consultation with thedepartments of mental health and health and senior services, shallpromulgate rules governing the practice of telehealth in the MO HealthNetprogram. Such rules shall address, but not be limited to, appropriatestandards for the use of telehealth, certification of agencies offeringtelehealth, and payment for services by providers. Telehealth providersshall be required to obtain patient consent before telehealth services areinitiated and to ensure confidentiality of medical information.
3. Telehealth may be utilized to service individuals who arequalified as MO HealthNet participants under Missouri law. Reimbursementfor such services shall be made in the same way as reimbursement forin-person contacts.
(L. 2007 S.B. 577)