208.784. 1. The program shall coordinate prescription drug coveragewith the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit, including relatedsupplies as determined by the department, who:
(1) Is a resident of the state of Missouri and is either:
(a) Sixty-five years of age or older; or
(b) Is disabled and receiving a Social Security benefit and isenrolled in the Medicare program;
(2) Is enrolled in a Medicare Part D drug plan;
(3) Is not a member of a retirement plan that is receiving a benefitunder the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of2003, P.L. 108-173.
2. The department shall give initial enrollment priority to theMedicaid dual eligible population. A second enrollment priority will beafforded to Medicare-eligible applicants with annual household incomes ator below one hundred fifty percent of the federal poverty guidelines whoalso meet the asset test. Medicaid dual eligible persons may beautomatically enrolled into the program, as long as they may opt out of theprogram if they so choose. The department shall determine the proceduresfor automatic enrollment in, and election out of, the Missouri Rx plan.Applicants meeting the eligibility requirements set forth in this sectionmay begin enrolling in the program as determined by the department.
3. An individual or married couple who meet the eligibilityrequirements in subsection 1 of this section and who are not Medicaid dualeligible persons may apply for enrollment in the program by submitting anapplication to the department, or the department's designee, that atteststo the age, residence, household income, and liquid assets of theindividual or couple.
(L. 2005 S.B. 539, A.L. 2006 S.B. 1117)Sunset date 8-28-11, unless reauthorized (see ยง 208.798)