208.978. 1. The MO HealthNet oversight committee shall develop andreport upon recommendations to be delivered to the governor and generalassembly relating to the expenditure of funds appropriated to the healthcare technology fund established under section 208.975.
2. Recommendations from the committee shall include an analysis andreview, including but not limited to the following:
(1) Reviewing the current status of health care informationtechnology adoption by the health care delivery system in Missouri;
(2) Addressing the potential technical, scientific, economic,security, privacy, and other issues related to the adoption ofinteroperable health care information technology in Missouri;
(3) Evaluating the cost of using interoperable health careinformation technology by the health care delivery system in Missouri;
(4) Identifying private resources and public/private partnerships tofund efforts to adopt interoperable health care information technology;
(5) Exploring the use of telemedicine as a vehicle to improve healthcare access to Missourians;
(6) Identifying methods and requirements for ensuring that not lessthan ten percent of appropriations within a single fiscal year shall bedirected toward the purpose of expanding and developing minority-ownedbusinesses that deliver technological enhancements to health care deliverysystems and networks;
(7) Developing requirements to be recommended to the general assemblythat ensure not more than twenty-five percent of appropriations from thehealth care technology fund in any fiscal year shall be contractuallyawarded to a single entity;
(8) Developing requirements to be recommended to the general assemblythat ensure the number of contractual awards provided from the health caretechnology fund shall not be fewer than the number of congressionaldistricts within Missouri; and
(9) Recommending best practices or policies for state government andprivate entities to promote the adoption of interoperable health careinformation technology by the Missouri health care delivery system.
3. The committee shall make and report its recommendations to thegovernor and general assembly on or before January 1, 2008.
4. This section shall expire on April 15, 2008.
(L. 2007 S.B. 577)Expires 4-15-08