208.985. 1. Pursuant to section 33.803, RSMo, by January 1, 2008,and each January first thereafter, the legislative budget office shallannually conduct a rolling five-year MO HealthNet forecast. The forecastshall be issued to the general assembly, the governor, the joint committeeon MO HealthNet, and the oversight committee established in section208.955. The forecast shall include, but not be limited to, the following,with additional items as determined by the legislative budget office:
(1) The projected budget of the entire MO HealthNet program;
(2) The projected budgets of selected programs within MO HealthNet;
(3) Projected MO HealthNet enrollment growth, categorized bypopulation and geographic area;
(4) Projected required reimbursement rates for MO HealthNetproviders; and
(5) Projected financial need going forward.
2. In preparing the forecast required in subsection 1 of thissection, where the MO HealthNet program overlaps more than one departmentor agency, the legislative budget office may provide for review andinvestigation of the program or service level on an interagency orinterdepartmental basis in an effort to review all aspects of the program.
(L. 2007 S.B. 577 ยง 1)