321.200. 1. The board shall meet regularly, not less thanonce each month, at a time and at some building in the districtto be designated by the board. Notice of the time and place offuture regular meetings shall be posted continuously at thefirehouse or firehouses of the district. Additional meetingsmay be held, when the needs of the district so require, at aplace regular meetings are held, and notice of the time andplace shall be given to each member of the board. Meetings ofthe board shall be held and conducted in the manner required bythe provisions of chapter 610, RSMo. All minutes of meetings ofthe board and all other records of the fire protection districtshall be available for public inspection at the main firehousewithin the district by appointment with the secretary of theboard within one week after a written request is made betweenthe hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. every day except Sunday. Amajority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorumat any meeting and no business shall be transacted unless aquorum is present. The board, acting as a board, shall exerciseall powers of the board, without delegation thereof to any othergovernmental or other body or entity or association, and withoutdelegation thereof to less than a quorum of the board. Agents,employees, engineers, auditors, attorneys, firemen and any othermember of the staff of the district may be employed ordischarged only by a board which includes at least twodirectors; but any board of directors may suspend from duty anysuch person or staff member who willfully and deliberatelyneglects or refuses to perform his or her regular functions.
2. Any vacancy on the board shall be filled by theremaining elected members of the board, except when less thantwo elected members remain on the board any vacancy shall befilled by the circuit court of the county in which all or amajority of the district lies. The appointee or appointeesshall act until the next biennial election at which a directoror directors are elected to serve the remainder of the unexpiredterm.
(L. 1947 V. I p. 432 ยง 21, A.L. 1981 S.B. 166, A.L. 1982 S.B. 649, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1395 & 1448)