Chapter 321 Fire Protection Districts
- 321.010. Definitions--election procedure.
- 321.015. District director not to hold other lucrative employment--exemptions certain counties and employment--lucrative office or employment, defined.
- 321.017. Employee of fire protection district or ambulance district not to be member of board, exception.
- 321.020. Circuit court may establish districts.
- 321.030. Petition required for organization of fire district--who to sign.
- 321.040. Contents of petition.
- 321.050. Amendment of petition--similar petitions or duplicates.
- 321.060. Filing fee.
- 321.070. Publication of notice of hearing--fixing time and place.
- 321.080. Jurisdiction of proceedings--judge owning property not disqualified.
- 321.090. Protesting petition may be filed--who to sign--contents.
- 321.100. Hearing--adjudication--corporate powers.
- 321.110. Dismissal of proceedings--costs--review.
- 321.120. Election before decree becomes conclusive--decree to determine number of directors--ballot form--successor directors, terms--may increase number of directors, exception--ballot, form--terms.
- 321.121. (Repealed L. 2007 S.B. 613 Revision ยง A)
- 321.130. Directors, qualifications--candidate filing fee, oath.
- 321.140. Final order establishing district deemed conclusive--quo warranto--collateral attack.
- 321.150. Filing of copies of findings and decrees incorporating district.
- 321.160. Board members to file oaths of office--surety bonds.
- 321.162. Educational training required for board of directors.
- 321.170. Board to select officers--seal--records.
- 321.180. Treasurer's duties--file bond--make annual financial statement.
- 321.190. Attendance fees authorized--reimbursement for expenses--secretary and treasurer, additional compensation, how set, limitation.
- 321.200. Board meetings, quorum, vacancy--employment, suspension, discharge of employees.
- 321.210. Election and terms of directors--filing fee.
- 321.220. Powers of board--employee benefits plan.
- 321.221. Municipality purchasing fire protection, annual payments, how computed.
- 321.222. Residential construction--definitions--regulatory system of city or county supersedes fire protection district regulations (Jefferson County).
- 321.223. Fire protection districts may contract to provide fire protection to municipalities not in the district, certain counties (including St. Louis County)--may also provide ambulance service, whe
- 321.225. Emergency ambulance and medical services, may provide--election--tax levy--defeat of levy, old levy to remain in effect--emergency, defined.
- 321.226. Emergency ambulance service outside district--fee for services for all districts--emergency defined.
- 321.230. Power to levy and collect ad valorem taxes.
- 321.240. Tax levy, election, when--form of ballot.
- 321.241. Additional tax levy, when--form of ballot.
- 321.242. Additional sales tax, certain cities--ballot, form--fire protection sales tax trust fund, deposit of funds--abolition of tax, procedure--dissolution of district, effect.
- 321.243. Tax authorized for dispatching center and equipment and services in a certain county--requirements--funds, payment from--board of directors, members, qualifications--St. Charles County, speci
- 321.244. Reduced tax levy may be increased to maximum limits, by elections, ballot form.
- 321.245. Personnel and equipment required for dispatching center.
- 321.246. Fire protection districts, sales tax authorized for districts within certain counties and cities--ballot contents--trust fund--collection by director of revenue--refunds.
- 321.247. Sales tax for fire protection district--ballot language--fund created, use of moneys (Douglas County).
- 321.250. Board to certify rate of levy to county commission.
- 321.260. Matters considered when certifying annual levies--additional levies.
- 321.270. Duty to levy and collect taxes--delinquent taxes constitute a lien.
- 321.280. Property may be sold for nonpayment of taxes.
- 321.290. Reserve fund, taxes for.
- 321.300. Boundaries of districts may be changed, procedure, certain counties--additional training not required, when.
- 321.301. Extension of boundaries if petition does not include all required signatures, effect--election, ballot form.
- 321.302. Recording of boundary extension, duties--fees.
- 321.310. Exclusion of property from district on petition of property owners.
- 321.320. Property in city of 40,000 inhabitants not wholly within district, to be excluded.
- 321.322. Cities with population of 2,500 to 65,000 with fire department, annexing property in a fire protection district--rights and duties, procedure--exception.
- 321.330. Property not to be subject to taxes, when.
- 321.340. Bonds of district.
- 321.350. Election to vote on issuing bonds or creating indebtedness.
- 321.360. Form of ballot.
- 321.370. Results of election to be announced.
- 321.380. Percentage necessary to create indebtedness--subsequent submission.
- 321.390. Petition for dissolution of district--submission of question.
- 321.400. Circuit court may call for an election to determine dissolution of district.
- 321.410. Effect of dissolution--appointment of trustee.
- 321.430. Prior obligations remain valid.
- 321.440. When notice not given as required, procedure of court.
- 321.450. Cases arising under this chapter to be advanced on docket--courts always open.
- 321.460. Consolidation of districts, procedure--may also provide ambulance service--election, ballot form.
- 321.465. Consolidated district, status--transfer of assets and liabilities.
- 321.470. Recording of order of consolidation--fee (constitutional charter counties).
- 321.490. Initiative and referendum authorized.
- 321.495. Form of petition.
- 321.500. Signatures required for referendum or initiative petition--submission of question--vote required.
- 321.506. Fire district may contract with private provider--ballot.
- 321.552. Sales tax authorized in certain counties (all except Greene, Platte, Clay, St. Louis, and St. Charles counties) for ambulance and fire protection--ballot language--special trust fund establis
- 321.554. Adjustment in total operating levy of district based on sales tax revenue, exceptions--general reassessment, effect of.
- 321.556. Repeal of sales tax, procedure, exceptions--ballot language.
- 321.600. Powers of board in providing fire protection--employee benefits plan (first class counties).
- 321.603. Attendance fees permitted, fire district board members (first classification charter counties).
- 321.610. Rate of levy--limit--additional levies by vote of people--elections held when--form of ballot (counties, first class).
- 321.620. Ambulance and emergency medical services may be provided--emergency, defined--election held when, procedure to call--additional tax levy, amount--if tax levy fails, old levy to remain in effe
- 321.622. Responding to fires or emergencies beyond corporate boundaries, exception--liabilities for claims, death or injuries--charges for responding.
- 321.687. Consolidation of two or more fire districts, procedure--board of directors, terms (St. Louis County).
- 321.688. Consolidation of districts--ballot language--effect of.
- 321.690. Audits to be performed, when--rules established by state auditor (Christian County fire protection districts exempt from audits).
- 321.700. Dissolution of district, funds distributed to city, when.
- 321.701. Members of board subject to recall--exceptions.
- 321.703. Notice of intent to circulate recall petition, service, contents--answer--purpose.
- 321.707. Petition for recall, content.
- 321.709. Affidavit to be attached to each section of the petition--content.
- 321.711. Recall petition, number of signatures required, time limitation--petition found insufficient, supplemental petition may be filed, when--supplemental petition insufficient, effect.
- 321.714. Certification of sufficiency of recall petition--election ordered--resignation, effect.
- 321.716. Laws governing recall election, costs, how paid.
- 321.800. Retirement plan, board may establish.
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