321.556. 1. Except in any county of the first classification withmore than two hundred forty thousand three hundred but less than twohundred forty thousand four hundred inhabitants, or any county of the firstclassification with more than seventy-three thousand seven hundred but lessthan seventy-three thousand eight hundred inhabitants, or any county of thefirst classification with more than one hundred eighty-four thousand butless than one hundred eighty-eight thousand inhabitants, or any county witha charter form of government and with more than one million inhabitants, orany county with a charter form of government and with more than two hundredfifty thousand but less than three hundred fifty thousand inhabitants, thegoverning body of any ambulance or fire protection district, when presentedwith a petition signed by at least twenty percent of the registered votersin the ambulance or fire protection district that voted in the lastgubernatorial election, calling for an election to repeal the tax pursuantto section 321.552, shall submit the question to the voters using the sameprocedure by which the imposition of the tax was voted. The ballot ofsubmission shall be in substantially the following form:
Shall .................. (insert name of ambulance or fire protectiondistrict) repeal the ........ (insert amount up to one-half) of one percentsales tax now in effect in the .......... (insert name of ambulance or fireprotection district) and reestablish the property tax levy in the districtto the rate in existence prior to the enactment of the sales tax?
â ã YES â ã NO
If you are in favor of the question, place an "X" in the box opposite"Yes". If you are opposed to the question, place an "X" in the boxopposite "No".
2. If a majority of the votes cast on the proposal by the qualifiedvoters of the district voting thereon are in favor of repeal, that repealshall become effective December thirty-first of the calendar year in whichsuch repeal was approved.
(L. 2002 S.B. 1107, A.L. 2004 H.B. 795, et al.)