321.620. 1. Fire protection districts in first classcounties may, in addition to their other powers and duties,provide ambulance service within their district if a majority ofthe voters voting thereon approve a proposition to furnish suchservice and to levy a tax not to exceed thirty cents on the onehundred dollars assessed valuation to be used exclusively tosupply funds for the operation of an emergency ambulance service.The district shall exercise the same powers and duties inoperating an ambulance service as it does in operating its fireprotection service. As used in this section "emergency" means asituation resulting from a sudden or unforeseen situation oroccurrence that requires immediate action to save life or preventsuffering or disability.
2. The proposition to furnish ambulance service may besubmitted by the board of directors at any municipal general,primary or general election or at any election of the members ofthe board or upon petition by five hundred voters of suchdistrict.
3. The question shall be submitted in substantially thefollowing form:
Shall the board of directors of ........... Fire Protection*District be authorized to provide ambulance service within thedistrict and be authorized to levy a tax not to exceed thirtycents on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation to providefunds for such service?
4. If a majority of the voters casting votes thereon be infavor of ambulance service and the levy, the district shallforthwith commence such service.
5. In addition to all other taxes authorized on or beforeSeptember 1, 1990, the board of directors of any fire protectiondistrict may, if a majority of the voters of the district votingthereon approve, levy an additional tax of not more than fortycents per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation to be usedfor the support of the ambulance service, or partial or completesupport of an emergency medical technician defibrillator programor partial or complete support of an emergency medical technicianparamedic first responder program. The proposition to levy thetax authorized by this subsection may be submitted by the boardof directors at the next annual election of the members of theboard or at any regular municipal or school election conducted bythe county clerk or board of election commissioners in suchdistrict or at a special election called for the purpose, or uponpetition of five hundred registered voters of the district. Aseparate ballot containing the question shall read as follows:
Shall the board of directors of the ....... Fire ProtectionDistrict be authorized to levy an additional tax of not more thanforty cents per one hundred dollars assessed valuation to providefunds for the support of an ambulance service or partial orcomplete support of an emergency medical technician defibrillatorprogram or partial or complete support of an emergency medicaltechnician paramedic first responder program?
(Place an X in the square opposite the one for which youwish to vote).
If a majority of the qualified voters castingvotes thereon be in favor of the question, the board of directorsshall accordingly levy a tax in accordance with the provisions ofthis subsection, but if a majority of voters casting votesthereon do not vote in favor of the levy authorized by thissubsection, any levy previously authorized shall remain ineffect.
(L. 1969 S.B. 152 § 321.225, A.L. 1977 H.B. 216, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 1984 H.B. 924, A.L. 1988 S.B. 725, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1395 & 1448, A.L. 1992 S.B. 630)*Word "Protection" does not appear in original rolls.