321.687. In any county of the first class with a charterform of government containing a population of nine hundredthousand or more, if two or more fire districts consolidate asprescribed by sections 321.460 to 321.470, the new board ofdirectors will consist of five members. If, upon canvass anddeclaration, it is found and determined that a majority of thevoters of the districts voting on the propositions have voted infavor of the proposition to incorporate the consolidateddistrict, then the court shall then further, in its order,designate the first board of directors of the consolidateddistrict, who have been elected by the voters voting thereon asfollows: The one receiving the fifth highest number of votes tohold office for a term of at least one year, the one receivingthe fourth highest number of votes to hold office for a term ofat least two years, the one receiving the third highest number ofvotes to hold office for a term of at least three years and thetwo receiving the second and first highest number of votes tohold office for a term of at least four years from the date ofthe election of the board of directors and until their successorsare duly elected and qualified. Thereafter, members of the boardshall be elected to serve terms of four years and until theirsuccessors are duly elected and qualified.
(L. 1993 H.B. 177)