1. The immigration to this State of all slaves and other people bound by contract to involuntary servitude for a term of years is hereby prohibited.
2. It is unlawful for any company, person or persons to collect the wages or compensation for the labor of the persons described in subsection 1.
3. It is unlawful for any corporation, company, person or persons to pay to any owner or agent of the owner of any such persons mentioned in subsection 1 any wages or compensation for the labor of such slaves or persons so bound by the contract to involuntary servitude.
4. Unless a greater penalty is provided in NRS 200.463, 200.464 or 200.468, a violation of any of the provisions of this section is a gross misdemeanor.
[1:99:1879; BH § 4764; C § 4856; RL § 6847; NCL § 10607] + [2:99:1879; BH § 4765; C § 4857; RL § 6848; NCL § 10608] + [3:99:1879; BH § 4766; C § 4858; RL § 6849; NCL § 10609] + [4:99:1879; BH § 4767; C § 4859; RL § 6850; NCL § 10610]—(NRS A 1967, 632; 2005, 91; 2007, 1271)