32:1-3 - Port district; legal name; boundaries
32:1-3. Port district; legal name; boundaries
To that end the two states do agree that there shall be created and they do hereby create a district to be known as the "Port of New York District" (for brevity hereinafter referred to as "the district" ) which shall embrace the territory bounded and described as follows:
The district is included within the boundary lines located by connecting points of known latitude and longitude. The approximate courses and distances of the lines inclosing the district are recited in the description, but the district is determined by drawing lines through the points of known latitude and longitude. Beginning at a point A of latitude forty-one degrees and four minutes north and longitude seventy-three degrees and fifty-six minutes west, said point being about sixty-five hundredths of a mile west of the westerly bank of the Hudson river and about two and one-tenth miles northwest of the pier at Piermont, in the county of Rockland, state of New York; thence due south one and fifteen-hundredths miles more or less to a point B of latitude forty-one degrees and three minutes north and longitude seventy-three degrees and fifty-six minutes west; said point being about one and three-tenths miles northwest of the pier at Piermont, in the county of Rockland, state of New York; thence south fifty-six degrees and thirty-four minutes west six and twenty-six hundredths miles more or less to a point C of latitude forty-one degrees and no minutes north and longitude seventy-four degrees and two minutes west, said point being about seven-tenths of a mile north of the railroad station at Westwood, in the county of Bergen, state of New Jersey; thence south sixty-eight degrees and twenty-four minutes west nine and thirty-seven hundredths miles more or less to a point D of latitude forty degrees and fifty-seven minutes north and longitude seventy-four degrees and twelve minutes west, said point [being] about three miles northwest of the business center of the city of Paterson, in the county of Passaic, state of New Jersey; thence south forty-seven degrees and seventeen minutes west eleven and eighty-seven hundredths miles more or less to a point E of latitude forty degrees and fifty minutes north and longitude seventy-four degrees and twenty-two minutes west, said point being about four and five-tenths miles west of the borough of Caldwell, in the county of Morris [Essex], state of New Jersey; thence due south nine and twenty-hundredths miles more or less to a point F of latitude forty degrees and forty-two minutes north and longitude seventy-four degrees and twenty-two minutes west, said point being about one and two-tenths miles southwest of the passenger station of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad in the city of Summit, in the county of Union, state of New Jersey; thence south forty-two degrees and twenty-four minutes, west seven and seventy-eight-hundredths miles more or less to a point G of latitude forty degrees and thirty-seven minutes north and longitude seventy-four degrees and twenty-eight minutes west, said point being about two and two-tenths miles west of the business center of the city of Plainfield, in the county of Somerset, state of New Jersey; thence due south twelve and sixty-five hundredths miles more or less on [to] a line passing about one mile west of the business center of the city of New Brunswick to a point H of latitude forty degrees and twenty-six minutes north and longitude seventy-four degrees and twenty-eight minutes west, said point being about four and five-tenths miles southwest of the city of New Brunswick, in the county of Middlesex, state of New Jersey; thence south seventy-seven degrees and forty-two minutes east ten and seventy-nine hundredths miles more or less to a point I of latitude forty degrees and twenty-four minutes north and longitude seventy-four degrees and sixteen minutes west, said point being about two miles southwest of the borough of Matawan, in the county of Middlesex [Monmouth], state of New Jersey; thence due east twenty-five and forty-eight hundredths miles more or less, crossing the county of Monmouth, state of New Jersey, and passing about one and four-tenths miles south of the pier of the Central Railroad of New Jersey at Atlantic Highlands to a point J of latitude forty degrees and twenty-four minutes north and longitude seventy-three degrees and forty-seven minutes west, said point being in the Atlantic ocean; thence north eleven degrees fifty-eight minutes east twenty-one and sixteen-hundredths miles more or less to a point K, said point being about five miles east of the passenger station of the Long Island Railroad at Jamaica and about one and three-tenths miles east of the boundary line of the city of New York, in the county of Nassau, state of New York; thence in a northeasterly direction, passing about one-half mile west of New Hyde Park and about one and one-tenth miles east of the shore of Manhasset bay at Port Washington, crossing Long Island sound to a point L, said point being the point of intersection of the boundary line between the states of New York and Connecticut and the meridian of seventy-three degrees thirty-nine minutes and thirty seconds west longitude, said point being also about a mile northeast of the village of Port Chester; thence northwesterly along the boundary line between the states of New York and Connecticut to a point M, said point being the point of intersection between said boundary line between the states of New York and Connecticut and the parallel of forty-one degrees and four minutes north latitude, said point also being about four and five-tenths miles northeast of the business center of the city of White Plains; thence due west along said parallel, of forty-one degrees and four minutes north latitude, the line passing about two and one-half miles north of the business center of the city of White Plains and crossing the Hudson river to the point A, the place of beginning.
The boundaries of said district may be changed from time to time by the action of the legislature of either state concurred in by the legislature of the other.