Section 32:1
- 32:1-1 - Preamble
- 32:1-2 - Co-operation pledged
- 32:1-3 - Port district; legal name; boundaries
- 32:1-4 - Port authority created
- 32:1-4.1 - Reference to "The Port of New York Authority" as reference to "The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey"
- 32:1-5 - Commissioners; appointment; removal
- 32:1-6 - By-laws
- 32:1-6.1 - Findings, declarations
- 32:1-6.2 - Definitions
- 32:1-6.3 - Rules, regulations
- 32:1-7 - General powers of port authority; state and municipal property and bonded indebtedness protected
- 32:1-8 - Additional powers; annual report; pledging credit
- 32:1-9 - Laws applicable to public utilities in effect
- 32:1-10 - Municipal powers not impaired
- 32:1-11 - Plans to be adopted
- 32:1-12 - Supplements and amendments to comprehensive plan
- 32:1-13 - Recommendations to legislatures and congress
- 32:1-14 - Proceedings before interstate commerce commission, public utilities commission and like bodies
- 32:1-15 - Organization of commission
- 32:1-16 - Appropriations for expenses
- 32:1-17 - Quorum; veto power
- 32:1-18 - Incurring obligations
- 32:1-19 - Rules and regulations
- 32:1-20 - Penalties for violations
- 32:1-21 - State boundaries and jurisdiction
- 32:1-22 - Withdrawal from agreement
- 32:1-23 - Definitions; execution of compact
- 32:1-24 - Attestation
- 32:1-25 - Preamble
- 32:1-26 - Principles to govern the development
- 32:1-27 - Maps of bridges, tunnels and belt lines
- 32:1-28 - Tunnels and bridges to form part of the plan
- 32:1-29 - Manhattan service
- 32:1-30 - Belt lines
- 32:1-31 - Location, system and character of improvements
- 32:1-32 - Changes in comprehensive plan
- 32:1-33 - Development of port; federal assistance; municipal co-operation; securities tax exempt; municipal corporate instrumentality
- 32:1-34 - Appropriation
- 32:1-35 - Effective date
- 32:1-35.1 - Air terminals, development of; policy; cooperation with Port Authority authorized
- 32:1-35.2 - Consent of municipality or public authority to acquisition of property; existing indebtedness
- 32:1-35.3 - Definitions
- 32:1-35.4 - Port Authority regarded as performing essential governmental function
- 32:1-35.5 - Exemption from taxes and assessments; payments in lieu thereof
- 32:1-35.6 - General Reserve Fund, use of
- 32:1-35.7 - Legal investments, bonds of Port Authority for air terminals as
- 32:1-35.8 - Municipal property; use by Port Authority; suits
- 32:1-35.9 - Condemnation proceedings
- 32:1-35.10 - Federal aid for air terminals
- 32:1-35.11 - State lands; lands under water; conveyance to Port Authority
- 32:1-35.12 - Outstanding obligations; revenues pledged
- 32:1-35.13 - Declarations, construction of
- 32:1-35.14 - Statutory provisions as supplementary agreement; construction
- 32:1-35.15 - Procedure in condemnation proceedings; payment of damages; transfer or pledge of award; abandonment; title
- 32:1-35.16 - Election to exercise option regarding legislation applying to Federal aid
- 32:1-35.17 - Effective date
- 32:1-35.17a - Viewers; appointment and proceedings; review of findings; view of property
- 32:1-35.17b - Effective date
- 32:1-35.18 - Acquisition of real property by condemnation for Teterboro Airport
- 32:1-35.19 - Definitions
- 32:1-35.20 - Mass transportation to terminals; development
- 32:1-35.21 - Authorization to build railroad line to and facilities at terminals
- 32:1-35.22 - Eminent domain
- 32:1-35.23 - Agreements with other public entities
- 32:1-35.24 - Severability
- 32:1-35.25 - Findings and determinations
- 32:1-35.26 - Access improvement projects; participation in effectuation
- 32:1-35.27 - Agreement or agreements in relation to highway access improvement projects
- 32:1-35.27a - Effective date
- 32:1-35.27b - Findings and determinations
- 32:1-35.27c - Railroad freight projects; effectuation of participation
- 32:1-35.27d - Agreements with any legal entity; scope
- 32:1-35.27e - Findings, declarations relative to establishment of additional air terminals in NY and NJ
- 32:1-35.27f - Port Authority authorized to perform all operations relative to additional air terminal; exceptions
- 32:1-35.28 - Marine terminals; municipalities authorized to cooperate
- 32:1-35.29 - Consent of municipality to acquisition of property; existing indebtedness
- 32:1-35.30 - Definitions
- 32:1-35.31 - Consent of municipality to use of marine terminal or property; consent of states to actions or proceedings against Port Authority; venue; partial invalidity
- 32:1-35.32 - Statutory provisions as supplementary agreement; construction
- 32:1-35.33 - Condemnation proceedings, acquisition of real property by
- 32:1-35.35 - Lands under water; conveyance by Division of Navigation
- 32:1-35.36 - Effective date
- 32:1-35.36a - Viewers; appointment and proceedings; review of findings; view of property
- 32:1-35.36b - Effective date
- 32:1-35.36c - Legislative findings and declarations
- 32:1-35.36d - Marine terminal; obligations issued to provide funding
- 32:1-35.36e - Powers of Port Authority
- 32:1-35.36f - City of Hoboken project
- 32:1-35.36k - Power to enter agreements
- 32:1-35.36l - Project at Hunter's Point, Queens county, City of New York
- 32:1-35.36m - Authorization for additional waterfront development project; approval by local government unit and legislature of all projects; report on all aspects of project
- 32:1-35.36n - Annual report on waterfront development projects
- 32:1-35.50 - Findings and determinations
- 32:1-35.51 - Definitions
- 32:1-35.52 - Port development project; world trade center; powers and duties of port authority
- 32:1-35.52a - Findings, declarations relative to remains of victims of September 11, 2001 terrorist attack
- 32:1-35.52b - Remains to be used in memorial
- 32:1-35.53 - General reserve fund; bonds; revenues
- 32:1-35.54 - Surplus revenues; excess balance in general reserve fund
- 32:1-35.55 - Covenant with bondholders
- 32:1-35.55b - Severability
- 32:1-35.56 - Cooperation by port authority; agreements; financial assistance, loans and grants
- 32:1-35.57 - Cooperation by states and agencies; agreements; powers; property
- 32:1-35.58 - Suits, actions or proceedings
- 32:1-35.59 - Effectuation of purposes of act as constituting essential governmental function
- 32:1-35.60 - Taxes and assessments
- 32:1-35.61 - Administration of details by port authority; local laws and regulations; jurisdiction; subsidiary corporations
- 32:1-35.62 - Bonds as authorized investment
- 32:1-35.63 - Property; public use; acquisition; condemnation
- 32:1-35.64 - Entry upon property for purpose of surveys, etc
- 32:1-35.65 - Governmental nature and public purpose of other port authority facilities; nature of powers conferred
- 32:1-35.66 - Act as agreement supplementing compact; construction of powers
- 32:1-35.67 - Severability
- 32:1-35.68 - Effective date
- 32:1-35.72 - Findings and determinations
- 32:1-35.73 - Definitions
- 32:1-35.74 - Authorizations, powers and duties of port authority; master plan; location within city of New York
- 32:1-35.75 - General reserve fund or revenues; pledge or application to fulfill purposes of act or pay bonds
- 32:1-35.76 - Surplus revenues; application to establishment and maintenance of general reserve fund
- 32:1-35.77 - Covenant with bondholders
- 32:1-35.78 - Cooperation by port authority; agreements; financial assistance, loans and grants
- 32:1-35.79 - Cooperation by states and agencies; agreements; powers; acquisition of property; consent by municipality, state, public authority, agency or commission
- 32:1-35.80 - Suits, actions or proceedings
- 32:1-35.81 - Effectuation of purposes of act as constituting essential governmental function
- 32:1-35.82 - Taxes and assessments; approval of municipality of purchaser or lessee
- 32:1-35.83 - Administration of details by port authority; transmittal to and consultation with Governor; local laws and regulations; jurisdiction; subsidiary corporations
- 32:1-35.84 - Bonds as authorized investment
- 32:1-35.85 - Property; requirement for public use; acquisition; condemnation
- 32:1-35.86 - Entry upon property for purpose of surveys, etc
- 32:1-35.87 - Governmental nature and public purpose of other port authority facilities; nature of powers conferred
- 32:1-35.88 - Act as agreement supplementing compact; liberal construction; construction of powers
- 32:1-35.89 - Severability
- 32:1-35.90 - Minutes of meeting at which action taken to change covenants with or pledges to bondholders; filing; waiver of requirement
- 32:1-35.91 - Minutes of meeting at which action taken in connection with purposes of act; filing; waiver of requirement
- 32:1-35.92 - Special reports; request by comptroller and treasurer
- 32:1-35.93 - Effective date
- 32:1-36 - Location; Perth Amboy to Tottenville
- 32:1-37 - Approval of approach plans
- 32:1-38 - Regulations; tolls
- 32:1-39 - Construction costs; pledge of tolls; project self-sustaining
- 32:1-40 - Acquisition of property by agreement or condemnation
- 32:1-41 - Property of municipalities; nonimpairment of bonded debt or sinking fund; use of state lands
- 32:1-42 - Definition of "real property"
- 32:1-43 - Interpretation
- 32:1-44 - Effect of partial invalidity
- 32:1-45 - Appropriation
- 32:1-46 - Effective date
- 32:1-47 - Procedure
- 32:1-48 - Location; Elizabeth to Howland Hook
- 32:1-49 - Approval of approach plans
- 32:1-50 - Regulations; tolls; retirement of obligations
- 32:1-51 - Construction costs; pledge of tolls; project self-sustaining
- 32:1-52 - Acquisition of property by agreement or condemnation
- 32:1-53 - Property of municipalities; nonimpairment of bonded debt or sinking fund; use of state lands
- 32:1-54 - Definition of "real property"
- 32:1-55 - Interpretation
- 32:1-56 - Effect of partial invalidity
- 32:1-57 - Appropriation
- 32:1-58 - Effective date
- 32:1-59 - Procedure
- 32:1-60 - New Jersey appropriation; financing by port authority
- 32:1-61 - Similar advance by New York state
- 32:1-62 - Use of moneys; tolls pledged; project self-sustaining
- 32:1-63 - Repayment of state advances
- 32:1-64 - Competitive crossings; tolls unimpaired; protection of bondholders
- 32:1-65 - Contract between states and bondholders
- 32:1-66 - Object of bridge; tax exemption
- 32:1-67 - Obligations legal for investment
- 32:1-68 - Interpretation
- 32:1-69 - Effect of partial invalidity
- 32:1-70 - Effective date
- 32:1-71 - Location; Fort Lee to Fort Washington
- 32:1-72 - Approval of approach plans
- 32:1-73 - Regulations; tolls; retirement of obligations
- 32:1-74 - Construction costs; pledge of tolls; project self-sustaining
- 32:1-75 - Acquisition of property by agreement or condemnation
- 32:1-76 - Property of municipalities; nonimpairment of bonded debt or sinking fund; use of state lands
- 32:1-77 - Condemnation procedure
- 32:1-78 - Definition of "real property"
- 32:1-79 - Interpretation
- 32:1-80 - Effect of partial invalidity
- 32:1-81 - Appropriation
- 32:1-82 - Concurrent legislation by New York state
- 32:1-83 - Effective date
- 32:1-83.1 - Authorization of bus passenger facility as improvement to George Washington Bridge; tolls and charges
- 32:1-84 - New Jersey appropriation; financing by port authority
- 32:1-85 - Similar advance by New York state
- 32:1-86 - Use of moneys; tolls pledged; project self-sustaining; tolls
- 32:1-87 - Repayment of state advances
- 32:1-88 - Competitive crossings; tolls unimpaired; protection of bondholders
- 32:1-89 - Contract between states and bondholders
- 32:1-90 - Object of bridge; tax exemption
- 32:1-91 - Obligations legal for investment
- 32:1-92 - Interpretation
- 32:1-93 - Effective date
- 32:1-93.1 - Adjustment and liquidation of claims for moneys appropriated by states for constructing bridge
- 32:1-94 - Location; Bayonne to Staten Island
- 32:1-95 - Approval of approach plans
- 32:1-96 - Regulations; tolls; retirement of obligations
- 32:1-97 - Construction costs; pledge of tolls; project self-sustaining
- 32:1-98 - Acquisition of property by agreement or condemnation
- 32:1-99 - Property of municipalities; nonimpairment of bonded debt or sinking fund; use of state lands
- 32:1-100 - Condemnation procedure
- 32:1-101 - Definition of "real property"
- 32:1-102 - Interpretation
- 32:1-103 - Effect of partial invalidity
- 32:1-104 - Appropriation
- 32:1-105 - Similar legislation by New York state
- 32:1-106 - Effective date
- 32:1-107 - New Jersey appropriation; financing by port authority
- 32:1-108 - Similar advance by New York state
- 32:1-109 - Use of moneys; tolls pledged; project self-sustaining
- 32:1-110 - Repayment of state advances
- 32:1-111 - Competitive crossings; tolls unimpaired; protection of bondholders
- 32:1-112 - Contract between states and bondholders
- 32:1-113 - Property tax exempt
- 32:1-114 - Obligations legal for investment
- 32:1-115 - Interpretation
- 32:1-116 - Effect of partial invalidity
- 32:1-117 - Effective date
- 32:1-118 - Declaration as to vehicular traffic across interstate waters within port district; bridges and tunnels unified under port authority
- 32:1-119 - Control of Holland tunnel vested in port authority; interstate vehicular crossing; additional bridges and tunnels; second deck of George Washington Bridge not additional bridge; approach
- 32:1-119.1 - Ratification and confirmation of acts in connection with Midtown Hudson Tunnel
- 32:1-119.2 - Parking facilities; addition and improvement to Lincoln Tunnel
- 32:1-119.3 - Effective date
- 32:1-120 - Midtown Hudson tunnel; site and approaches
- 32:1-121 - Unified operation of bridges and tunnels; tolls
- 32:1-122 - Control of Holland tunnel vested in port authority upon making of specified payments; computing interest
- 32:1-123 - Additional payments to states
- 32:1-124 - Payment to New York
- 32:1-125 - Payment to New Jersey; use of income and interest from sinking fund
- 32:1-126 - Holland tunnel compact abrogated so far as inconsistent
- 32:1-127 - Approval by governor and municipality of connections with state or municipal highways
- 32:1-128 - Rules and regulations; tolls; disposition of revenues
- 32:1-129 - Powers of port authority not to be impaired; no competitive bridges or tunnels
- 32:1-130 - Bonds as legal investments
- 32:1-131 - Objects of bridges and tunnels; tax exemption
- 32:1-132 - Determination by port authority that real property is required for public use; condemnation
- 32:1-133 - Municipal consent; bonded indebtedness protected; acquiring property by agreement
- 32:1-133.1 - Municipal property needed for improvement of George Washington Bridge; acquisition without consent; approval
- 32:1-134 - Right of entry upon lands
- 32:1-135 - Real property defined
- 32:1-136 - Certain bridges or tunnels prohibited until bondholders of completed bridges protected
- 32:1-137 - Interpretation
- 32:1-138 - New Jersey Camden bridge-Holland tunnel sinking fund protected; effect of payments to state
- 32:1-139 - Repayment of advances made by states
- 32:1-140 - Effective date
- 32:1-140.1 - Funding of obligations of Port of New York Authority to repay advances in aid of construction of Outerbridge crossing, Goethals bridge and Bayonne bridge
- 32:1-140.2 - Delivery of bonds or money
- 32:1-140.3 - Bonds; direct and general obligations of Port Authority; terms; redemption
- 32:1-140.4 - Legal investments
- 32:1-140.5 - Satisfaction of obligation to repay advances as to Bayonne bridge; termination of lien on tolls
- 32:1-140.6 - Satisfaction of obligation to repay advances as to Outerbridge crossing and Goethals bridge; termination of lien on tolls
- 32:1-140.7 - Effective date
- 32:1-141 - Definitions
- 32:1-141.1 - Bonds or other obligations of Port Authority issued to provide funds for terminals as legal investments
- 32:1-141.2 - Acquisition of property for truck terminal
- 32:1-141.3 - Effective date
- 32:1-142 - Establishment of general reserve fund from surplus revenues; use of reserve fund; revenue not required for reserve fund
- 32:1-143 - Effective date
- 32:1-144 - Agreement between port authority and municipalities; amount and manner of payments
- 32:1-145 - Counties and municipalities authorized to enter into agreements; disposition of payments
- 32:1-146 - Effective date
- 32:1-146.1 - Each state may prescribe or rescind penalties for violations within its territorial limits
- 32:1-146.2 - Acts constitute agreement between States; liberal construction
- 32:1-146.3 - Effective date
- 32:1-146.4 - Smoking
- 32:1-146.5 - Violations, penalties, trial procedure
- 32:1-146.6 - Peddling, soliciting business, entertaining, begging or loitering in air, bus, or marine terminals
- 32:1-146.7 - Violations; penalties; procedures
- 32:1-146.8 - Rules and regulations
- 32:1-146.9 - Violations; penalties
- 32:1-154.1 - Rules and regulations declared binding
- 32:1-154.2 - Payment of tolls
- 32:1-154.2c - Imposition of liability
- 32:1-154.3 - Care required; speed; operators under influence of liquor or drugs; equipment; load
- 32:1-154.4 - Traffic lights, signs, signals or orders
- 32:1-154.5 - Traffic lanes; driving on right-hand side
- 32:1-154.6 - Authority to operate vehicle; registration
- 32:1-154.7 - Accidents; duties of operators; reports
- 32:1-154.8 - Explosives; inflammable materials; poisonous substances; radioactive materials; transportation of
- 32:1-154.9 - Punishment for violations; excluding vehicular crossings
- 32:1-154.10 - Definitions
- 32:1-154.11 - Partial invalidity
- 32:1-154.12 - Repeal
- 32:1-154.13 - Agreement between States of New York and New Jersey, acts as constituting; construction
- 32:1-154.14 - Trial and punishment of violations
- 32:1-154.15 - Certain violations constitute high misdemeanors
- 32:1-154.16 - Violations; penalties; trial; procedure
- 32:1-154.17 - Effective date
- 32:1-154.18 - Rules and regulations governing traffic on highways in air terminals and marine terminals; definitions
- 32:1-154.19 - Violations; trial and punishment
- 32:1-154.20 - High misdemeanors, certain violations as
- 32:1-154.21 - Violations; penalties; trial; proceedings
- 32:1-154.22 - Excluding vehicles violating rules and regulations and other vehicles of same owner
- 32:1-154.23 - Effect of act
- 32:1-154.24 - Effective date
- 32:1-155 - Payments for damages resulting from change of grade of streets, etc.; "owners" defined
- 32:1-156 - Effective date
- 32:1-157 - Consent to suits
- 32:1-158 - Suits accruing before effective date of act
- 32:1-159 - Contracts entered into, assumed by or assigned to Port Authority before effective date of act, suits on
- 32:1-160 - Statutory penalties, suits for
- 32:1-161 - Injunction suits against Port Authority
- 32:1-162 - Venue of suits; consent to liability for tortious acts
- 32:1-163 - Limitations; notice of claim; workmen's compensation claims
- 32:1-164 - Notice of claim; persons under disability; leave of court
- 32:1-165 - Injunction suits against commissioners, officers or employees
- 32:1-166 - Consents to suits previously given not affected
- 32:1-167 - Acts to constitute agreement between States
- 32:1-168 - Effective date
- 32:1-169 - Scheduled transportation by aircraft; suits to enforce contracts for use of space or facilities
- 32:1-170 - Conditions
- 32:1-171 - Venue
- 32:1-172 - Consents heretofore given not revoked or affected
- 32:1-173 - Acts to constitute agreement between states
- 32:1-174 - Effective date
- 32:1-175 - Employment relations panel; orders; enforcement and review
- 32:1-176 - Effective date
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