32:1-35.73 - Definitions
32:1-35.73. Definitions
As used in this act:
a. "Bonds" means bonds, notes, securities or other obligations or evidences of indebtedness;
b. "Effectuation" of any project or facility or part of any such project or facility includes but is not limited to its establishment, acquisition, construction, development, maintenance, operation, improvement by way of betterments, additions or otherwise and rehabilitation by the port authority or any other person and the provision of funds therefor through the issuance of obligations, the making or granting of loans or otherwise;
c. "General reserve fund statutes" shall mean chapter 48 of the laws of New York of 1931 as amended, and chapter 5 of the laws of New Jersey of 1931 as amended, and "general reserve fund" shall mean the general reserve fund of the port authority authorized by said statutes;
d. "Governing body" means the board or body vested with the general legislative powers of the municipality in which an industrial development project or facility will be financed or effectuated pursuant to this act;
e. "Industrial development project or facility" or "port district industrial development project or facility" means any equipment, improvements, structure or facility or any land, and any building, structure, facility or other improvement thereon, or any combination thereof, and all real and personal property, located within the New York portion of the port district or within a municipality in the New Jersey portion of the port district which qualified for State aid under the provisions of P.L.1971, c. 64 as most recently supplemented by P.L.1978, c. 14 or which may hereafter qualify for such aid, including but not limited to, machinery, equipment and other facilities deemed necessary or desirable in connection therewith, or incidental thereto, whether or not now in existence or under construction, which shall be considered suitable by the port authority for manufacturing, research, non-retail commercial or industrial purposes within an industrial park, or for purposes of warehousing or consumer and supporting services directly related to any of the foregoing or to any other port authority project or facility; and which may also include or be an industrial pollution control facility or a resource recovery facility; provided that no such industrial development project or facility may include or be a facility used for the storage of chemicals, fuel or liquified natural gas unless incidental to the effectuation of such industrial development project or facility;
f. "Industrial pollution control facility" means any equipment, improvement, structure or facility or any land, and any building, structure, facility or other improvement thereon, or any combination thereof, and all real and personal property, located within the port district, including, but not limited to, machinery, equipment and other facilities deemed necessary or desirable in the opinion of the port authority in connection therewith, or incidental thereto, whether or not now in existence or under construction, having to do with or the end purpose of which is the control, abatement or prevention of land, sewer, water, air, noise or general environmental pollution deriving from the operation of industrial, manufacturing, warehousing, commercial and research facilities, including, but not limited to any air pollution control facility, noise abatement facility, water management facility, waste water collecting system, waste water treatment works, sewage treatment works system, sewage treatment system or solid waste disposal facility or site, provided that no such industrial pollution control facility may include or be used as a site for organic landfill or be of a character or nature generally furnished or supplied by any other governmental entity where such industrial pollution control facility is located without the consent of such governmental entity;
g. "Municipality" means a city, county, town or village all or any part of which is located within the New York portion of the port district, or a city, county, town, borough or township all or any part of which is located within the New Jersey portion of the port district;
h. "Person" means any person, including an individual, firm, partnership, association, society, trust, public utility, public or private corporation, or other legal entities, including public or governmental body which may include the port authority, as well as natural person;
i. "Port authority" means the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and subsidiary corporation now or hereafter incorporated for any of the purposes of this act; provided, however, as used in sections 4 and 5 of this act it shall not include any such subsidiary corporation;
j. "Purposes of this act" means the effectuation of industrial development projects and facilities and of each project or facility constituting a portion thereof and of each part of each project or facility, and purposes incidental thereto;
k. "Real property" means lands, structures, franchises and interests in land, including air space and air rights, waters, lands under water, wetlands and riparian rights, and any and all things and rights included within the said term, and includes not only fees simple absolute but also any and all lesser interests, including but not limited to easements, rights-of-way, uses, leases, licenses and all other incorporeal hereditaments and every estate, interest or right, legal or equitable, including terms for years and liens thereon by way of judgments, mortgages or otherwise;
l. "Resource recovery facility" means any equipment, improvement, structure or facility or any land, and any building, structure, facility or other improvement thereon, or any combination thereof, and all real and personal property located within the port district, including, but not limited to, machinery, equipment and other facilities deemed necessary or desirable in the opinion of the port authority in connection therewith, or incidental thereto, whether or not now in existence or under construction, for the disposal of refuse or other solid wastes or wastes resulting from other treatment processes and for the recovery and sale or use of energy and other resources from such refuse or other solid wastes or wastes resulting from other treatment processes, provided that no such resource recovery facility may include or be used as a site for organic landfill;
m. "Surplus revenues" from any facility means the balance of the revenues from such facility including but not limited to the revenues of any subsidiary corporation incorporated for any of the purposes of this act remaining at any time currently in the hands of the port authority after the deduction of the current expenses of the operation and maintenance thereof, including a proportion of the general expenses of the port authority as it shall deem properly chargeable thereto, which general expenses shall include but not be limited to the expense of protecting and promoting the commerce of the port district, and after the deduction of any amounts which the port authority may or shall be obligated or may or shall have obligated itself to pay to or set aside out of the current revenues therefrom for the benefit of the holders of any bonds legal for investment as defined in the general reserve fund statutes;
n. "Surplus revenues of port district industrial development projects or facilities" means the surplus revenues of all industrial development projects or facilities effectuated pursuant to the terms of this act.
L.1978, c. 110, s. 2, eff. Aug. 24, 1978.