§ 14‑113.24. Credit,charge, or debit card numbers on receipts.
(a) For purposes ofthis section, the word "person" means the person that owns or leasesthe cash register or other machine or device that electronically printsreceipts of credit, charge, or debit card transactions.
(b) Except as providedin this section, no person that accepts credit, charge, or debit cards for thetransaction of business shall print more than five digits of the credit,charge, or debit card account number or the expiration date upon any receiptwith the intent to provide the receipt to the cardholder at the point of sale.This section applies to a person who employs a cash register or other machineor device that electronically prints receipts for credit, charge, or debit cardtransactions. This section does not apply to a person whose sole means ofrecording a credit, charge, or debit card number for the transaction ofbusiness is by handwriting or by an imprint or copy of the credit, charge, ordebit card.
(c) A person who violatesthis section commits an infraction as defined in G.S. 14‑3.1 and issubject to a penalty of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) per violation, notto exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) in any calendar month or two thousanddollars ($2,000) in any calendar year. A person who receives a citation forviolation of this section is not subject to the penalty provided in thissubsection if the person establishes in court that the person came intocompliance with this section within 30 days of the issuance of the citation andthe person has remained in compliance with this section. (2003‑206, s. 1; 2003‑206,s. 2.)