§14‑115. Secreting property to hinder enforcement of lien or securityinterest.
Any person who, with intent toprevent or hinder the enforcement of a lien or security interest after ajudgment or order has been issued for possession for that personal propertysubject to said lien or security interest, either refuses to surrender suchpersonal property in his possession to a law enforcement officer, or removes,or exchanges, or secretes such personal property, shall be guilty of a Class 2misdemeanor. (1887, c. 14; Rev., s. 3436; C.S., s. 4288; 1969, c.984, s. 3; c. 1224, s. 1; 1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1065, s. 2; 1989, c. 401;1993, c. 539, s. 57; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)