§14‑124. Forging certificate of corporate stock and uttering forgedcertificates.
If any officer or agent of acorporation shall, falsely and with a fraudulent purpose, make, with the intentthat the same shall be issued and delivered to any other person by name or asholder or bearer thereof, any certificate or other writing, whereby it iscertified or declared that such person, holder or bearer is entitled to or hasan interest in the stock of such corporation, when in fact such person, holderor bearer is not so entitled, or is not entitled to the amount of stock in suchcertificate or writing specified; or if any officer or agent of suchcorporation, or other person, knowing such certificate or other writing to befalse or untrue, shall transfer, assign or deliver the same to another person,for the sake of gain, or with the intent to defraud the corporation, or anymember thereof, or such person to whom the same shall be transferred, assignedor delivered, the person so offending shall be punished as a Class I felon. (R.C.,c. 34, s. 62; Code, s. 1032; Rev., s. 3421; C.S., s. 4298; 1979, c. 760, s. 5;1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1316, s. 47; 1981, c. 63, s. 1; c. 179, s. 14.)