§14‑145. Unlawful posting of advertisements.
Any person who in any mannerpaints, prints, places, or affixes, or causes to be painted, printed, placed,or affixed, any business or commercial advertisement on or to any stone, tree,fence, stump, pole, automobile, building, or other object, which is theproperty of another without first obtaining the written consent of such ownerthereof, or who in any manner paints, prints, places, puts, or affixes, orcauses to be painted, printed, placed, or affixed, such an advertisement on orto any stone, tree, fence, stump, pole, mile‑board, milestone, danger‑sign,danger‑signal, guide‑sign, guide‑post, automobile, buildingor other object within the limits of a public highway, shall be guilty of aClass 3 misdemeanor. (Ex. Sess. 1924, c. 109; 1993, c. 539, s. 84; 1994,Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)