§ 14‑208.41. Enrollmentin satellite‑based monitoring programs mandatory; length of enrollment.
(a) Any persondescribed by G.S. 14‑208.40(a)(1) shall enroll in a satellite‑basedmonitoring program with the Division of Community Corrections office in the countywhere the person resides. The person shall remain enrolled in the satellite‑basedmonitoring program for the registration period imposed under G.S. 14‑208.23which is the person's life, unless the requirement to enroll in the satellite‑basedmonitoring program is terminated pursuant to G.S. 14‑208.43.
(b) Any persondescribed by G.S. 14‑208.40(a)(2) who is ordered by the court pursuant toG.S. 14‑208.40A or G.S. 14‑208.40B to enroll in a satellite‑basedmonitoring program shall do so with the Division of Community Correctionsoffice in the county where the person resides. The person shall remain enrolledin the satellite‑based monitoring program for the period of time orderedby the court.
(c) Any persondescribed by G.S. 14‑208.40(a)(3), upon completion of active punishment,shall enroll in a satellite‑based monitoring program with the Division ofCommunity Corrections office in the county where the person resides. The personshall enroll in the satellite‑based monitoring program for the entireperiod of post‑release supervision and shall remain enrolled in thesatellite‑based monitoring program for the person's life, unless therequirement to enroll in the satellite‑based monitoring program isterminated pursuant to G.S. 14‑208.43. (2006‑247, s. 15(a); 2007‑213, s. 13;2007‑484, s. 42(b); 2008‑117, s. 17; 2008‑187, s. 5.)