§ 14‑208.44. Failure toenroll; tampering with device.
(a) Any person requiredto enroll in a satellite‑based monitoring program who fails to enrollshall be guilty of a Class F felony.
(b) Any person whointentionally tampers with, removes, vandalizes, or otherwise interferes withthe proper functioning of a device issued pursuant to a satellite‑basedmonitoring program to a person duly enrolled in the program shall be guilty ofa Class E felony.
(c) Any person requiredto enroll in a satellite‑based monitoring program who fails to providenecessary information to the Department, or fails to cooperate with theDepartment's guidelines and regulations for the program shall be guilty of aClass 1 misdemeanor.
(d) For purposes ofthis section, "enroll" shall include appearing, as directed by theDepartment, to receive the necessary equipment. (2006‑247, s. 15(a);2007‑213, s. 6.)