§ 14‑258.4. Maliciousconduct by prisoner.
(a) Any person in thecustody of the Department of Correction, the Department of Juvenile Justice andDelinquency Prevention, any law enforcement officer, or any local confinementfacility (as defined in G.S. 153A‑217, or G.S. 153A‑230.1),including persons pending trial, appellate review, or presentence diagnosticevaluation, who knowingly and willfully throws, emits, or causes to be used asa projectile, bodily fluids or excrement at a person who is an employee of theState or a local government while the employee is in the performance of theemployee's duties is guilty of a Class F felony. The provisions of this sectionapply to violations committed inside or outside of the prison, jail, detentioncenter, or other confinement facility.
(b) Reserved. (2001‑360, s. 1.)