§14‑288.18. Injunction to cope with emergencies at public and privateeducational institutions.
(a) The chiefadministrative officer, or his authorized representative, of any public orprivate educational institution may apply to any superior court judge forinjunctive relief if a state of emergency exists or is imminent within hisinstitution. For the purposes of this section, the superintendent of any cityor county administrative school unit shall be deemed the chief administrativeofficer of any public elementary or secondary school within his unit.
(b) Upon a finding by asuperior court judge, to whom application has been made under the provisions ofthis section, that a state of emergency exists or is imminent within a publicor private educational institution by reason of riot, disorderly conduct bythree or more persons, or the imminent threat of riot, the judge may issue aninjunction containing provisions appropriate to cope with the emergency thenoccurring or threatening. The injunction may be addressed to named persons ornamed or described groups of persons as to whom there is satisfactory cause forbelieving that they are contributing to the existing or imminent state ofemergency, and ordering such persons or groups of persons to take or refrain ordesist from taking such various actions as the judge finds it appropriate toinclude in his order. (1969, c. 869, s. 1.)