Part 2.Bingo and Raffles.
§ 14‑309.5. Bingo.
(a) The purpose of theconduct of bingo is to insure a maximum availability of the net proceedsexclusively for application to the charitable, nonprofit causes andundertakings specified herein; that the only justification for this Part is tosupport such charitable, nonprofit causes; and such purpose should be carriedout to prevent the operation of bingo by professionals for profit, preventcommercialized gambling, prevent the disguise of bingo and other game forms orpromotional schemes, prevent participation by criminal and other undesirableelements, and prevent the diversion of funds for the purpose herein authorized.
(b) It is lawful for anexempt organization to conduct bingo games in accordance with the provisions ofthis Part. Any licensed exempt organization who conducts a bingo game inviolation of any provision of this Part shall be guilty of a Class 2misdemeanor. Upon conviction such person shall not conduct a bingo game for aperiod of one year. It is lawful to participate in a bingo game conductedpursuant to this Part. It shall be a Class I felony for any person: (i) tooperate a bingo game without a license; (ii) to operate a bingo game whilelicense is revoked or suspended; (iii) to willfully misuse or misapply anymoneys received in connection with any bingo game; or (iv) to contract with orprovide consulting services to any licensee. It shall not constitute aviolation of any State law to advertise a bingo game conducted in accordance withthis Part. (1983, c. 896, s. 3; 1983 (Reg. Sess., 1984), c. 1107,ss. 1‑4; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 826, s. 1; 1993, c. 539, ss. 212,1231; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)