§14‑346. Sale of convict‑made goods prohibited.
(a) It shall beunlawful to sell or to offer for sale anywhere within the State of NorthCarolina any articles or commodities manufactured or produced, wholly or inpart, in this State or elsewhere by convicts or prisoners, except
(1) Articles orcommodities manufactured or produced by convicts on probation or parole orprisoners released part time for regular employment in the free community, and
(2) Products ofagricultural or forestry enterprises or quarrying or mining operations in whichinmates of any penal or correctional institution of this State are employed,and
(3) Articles andcommodities manufactured or produced in any penal or correctional institutionof this State for sale to departments, institutions, and agencies supported inwhole or in part by the State, or to any political subdivision of this State,for the use of these departments, institutions, agencies, and politicalsubdivisions of the State and not for resale, and
(4) Articles of handicraftmade by the inmates of any penal or correctional institution of this Stateduring their leisure hours and with their own materials.
(b) Any person, firm orcorporation selling, undertaking to sell, or offering for sale any prison‑madeor convict‑made goods, wares or merchandise, anywhere within the State,in violation of the provisions of this section, shall be guilty of a Class 2misdemeanor. Each sale or offer to sell, in violation of the provisions ofthis section, shall constitute a separate offense. (1933, c. 146, ss. 1‑4;1959, c. 170, s. 1; 1969, c. 1224, s. 4; 1993, c. 539, s. 233; 1994, Ex. Sess.,c. 24, s. 14(c).)