§ 14‑362.2. Dogfighting and baiting.
(a) A person whoinstigates, promotes, conducts, is employed at, provides a dog for, allowsproperty under the person's ownership or control to be used for, gambles on, orprofits from an exhibition featuring the baiting of a dog or the fighting of adog with another dog or with another animal is guilty of a Class H felony. Alease of property that is used or is intended to be used for an exhibitionfeaturing the baiting of a dog or the fighting of a dog with another dog orwith another animal is void, and a lessor who knows this use is made or isintended to be made of the lessor's property is under a duty to evict thelessee immediately.
(b) A person who owns,possesses, or trains a dog with the intent that the dog be used in anexhibition featuring the baiting of that dog or the fighting of that dog withanother dog or with another animal is guilty of a Class H felony.
(c) A person whoparticipates as a spectator at an exhibition featuring the baiting of a dog orthe fighting of a dog with another dog or with another animal is guilty of aClass H felony.
(d) This section doesnot prohibit the use of dogs in the lawful taking of animals under thejurisdiction and regulation of the Wildlife Resources Commission.
(e) This section doesnot prohibit the use of dogs in earthdog trials that are sanctioned orsponsored by entities approved by the Commissioner of Agriculture that meetstandards that protect the health and safety of the dogs. Quarry at an earthdogtrial shall at all times be kept separate from the dogs by a sturdy barrier,such as a cage, and have access to food and water.
(f) This section doesnot apply to the use of herding dogs engaged in the working of domesticatedlivestock for agricultural, entertainment, or sporting purposes. (1997‑78, s. 1; 2006‑113,s. 3.1; 2006‑259, s. 37; 2007‑180, s. 1; 2007‑181, s. 1.)