§14‑376. Bribe defined.
By a "bribe," asused in this article, is meant any gift, emolument, money or thing of value,testimonial, privilege, appointment or personal advantage, or in the promise ofeither, bestowed or promised for the purpose of influencing, directly orindirectly, any player, referee, manager, coach, umpire, club or leagueofficial, to see which game an admission fee may be charged, or in whichathletic contest any player, manager, coach, umpire, referee, or other officialis paid any compensation for his services. Said bribe as defined in thisarticle need not be direct; it may be such as is hidden under the semblance ofa sale, bet, wager, payment of a debt, or in any other manner defined to coverthe true intention of the parties. (1921, c. 23, s. 4; C.S., s.4499(d); 1951, c. 364, s. 4; 1961, c. 1054, s. 4.)