§14‑401. Putting poisonous foodstuffs, antifreeze, etc., in certainpublic places, prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for anyperson, firm or corporation to put or place (i) any strychnine, other poisonouscompounds or ground glass on any beef or other foodstuffs of any kind, or (ii)any antifreeze that contains ethylene glycol and is not in a closed container,in any public square, street, lane, alley or on any lot in any village, town orcity or on any public road, open field, woods or yard in the country. Anyperson, firm or corporation who violates the provisions of this section shallbe liable in damages to the person injured thereby and also shall be guilty ofa Class 1 misdemeanor. This section shall not apply to the poisoning ofinsects or worms for the purpose of protecting crops or gardens by sprayingplants, crops, or trees, to poisons used in rat extermination, or to theaccidental release of antifreeze containing ethylene glycol. (1941,c. 181; 1953, c. 1239; 1993, c. 143, c. 539, s. 270; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s.14(c).)