§ 14‑406.1. Permitissued to manufacturer, wholesale dealer, or retail dealer of crossbows deemedto be a continuing permit.
(a) Notwithstanding anyother provision of this Article, a corporation that is a manufacturer ofcrossbows, a wholesale dealer of crossbows, or a retail dealer of crossbows mayobtain a permit for the purchase or receipt of crossbows, as provided by thissection, by applying to the sheriff of the county in which the corporation islocated. The permit shall be a continuing permit with no expiration date andshall satisfy the permitting requirements under this Article for each futurepurchase or receipt of a crossbow by the corporation.
(b) The sheriff of anyand all counties of this State shall issue to any corporation that is a manufacturerof crossbows, a wholesale dealer of crossbows, or a retail dealer of crossbowsin any county a permit to purchase or receive crossbows from any person, firm,or corporation offering to sell or dispose of crossbows. The permit shallcontain an identification number and shall have no expiration date. Indetermining whether to issue the permit, the sheriff shall apply the standardscontained in G.S. 14‑404, to the extent applicable.
(c) NotwithstandingG.S. 14‑402, a manufacturer of crossbows, wholesale dealer of crossbows,or retail dealer of crossbows that is issued a permit under this section mayreceive a crossbow delivered to the manufacturer, wholesale dealer, or retaildealer in the course of business without exhibiting the continuing permit to theperson delivering the crossbow. (2009‑6, s. 1.)