§ 14‑415.26. Certification of qualified retired law enforcement officers.
(a) In lieu ofobtaining a permit under this Article, a qualified retired law enforcementofficer may apply to the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and TrainingStandards Commission for certification. The application shall include all ofthe following:
(1) Verification ofcompletion of the firearms qualification criteria established by theCommission.
(2) Photographicidentification indicating retirement status issued by the agency from which theapplicant retired from service.
(3) Any otherapplication information required by the Commission.
(b) The Commissionshall include with the certification a notice of the limitations applicableunder federal or State law to the concealed carry of firearms in this State.The failure to receive a notification under this subsection shall not be adefense to any offense or violation of applicable State or federal laws.
(b1) The Commission shallcoordinate with local and State law enforcement officers and with the communitycollege system to provide multiple firearms qualification sites throughout theState where a qualified retired law enforcement officer may satisfy thefirearms qualification criteria required for certification under this section.
(c) The Commissionshall not incur any civil or criminal liability as the result of theperformance of its duties under this section.
(d) It shall beunlawful for an applicant, or any person assisting an applicant, to make awillful and intentional misrepresentation on any form or application submittedto the Commission. A violation of this subsection shall be a Class 2misdemeanor, and shall result in the immediate revocation of any certificationissued by the Commission. A person convicted under this subsection shall beineligible for certification under this section, or from obtaining a concealedcarry permit under State law.
(e) This section shallnot exempt any individual engaged in the private protective services professionin this State from fulfilling the registration and training requirements inChapter 74C of the General Statutes. (2007‑427, s. 4; 2009‑546, s. 1.)