§ 14‑417. Regulation ofownership or use of venomous reptiles.
(a) It shall beunlawful for any person to own, possess, use, transport, or traffic in anyvenomous reptile that is not housed in a sturdy and secure enclosure. Permanentenclosures shall be designed to be escape‑proof, bite‑proof, andhave an operable lock. Transport containers shall be designed to be escape‑proofand bite‑proof.
(b) Each enclosureshall be clearly and visibly labeled "Venomous Reptile Inside" withscientific name, common name, appropriate antivenom, and owner's identifyinginformation noted on the container. A written bite protocol that includesemergency contact information, local animal control office, the name andlocation of suitable antivenom, first aid procedures, and treatment guidelines,as well as an escape recovery plan must be within sight of permanent housing,and a copy must accompany the transport of any venomous reptile.
(c) In the event of anescape of a venomous reptile, the owner or possessor of the venomous reptileshall immediately notify local law enforcement. (1949, c. 1084, s. 2; 2009‑344,s. 1.)