§ 14‑56.4. Preparationto commit breaking or entering into motor vehicles.
(a) For purposes ofthis section:
(1) "Manipulativekey" means a key, device or instrument, other than a key that is designedto operate a specific lock, that can be variably positioned and manipulated ina vehicle keyway to operate a lock or cylinder or multiple locks or cylinders,including a wiggle key, jiggle key, or rocket key.
(2) "Masterkey" means a key that operates all the keyed locks or cylinders in asimilar type or group of locks.
(b) It is unlawful forany person to possess any motor vehicle master key, manipulative key, or othermotor vehicle lock‑picking device or hot wiring device, with the intentto commit any felony, larceny, or unauthorized use of a motor propelledconveyance.
(c) It is unlawful fora person to willfully buy, sell, or transfer a motor vehicle master key,manipulative key or device, key‑cutting device, lock pick or lock‑pickingdevice, or hot wiring device, designed to open or capable of opening the dooror trunk of any motor vehicle or of starting the engine of a motor vehicle foruse in any manner prohibited by this section.
(d) Violation of thissection is a Class 1 misdemeanor. A second or subsequent violation of thissection is a Class I felony.
(e) This section shallnot apply to any person who is a dealer of new or used motor vehicles, a carrental agent, a locksmith, an employee of a towing service, an employee of anautomotive repair business, a person who is lawfully repossessing a vehicle, ora state, county, or municipal law enforcement officer, when that person isacting within the scope of the person's official duties or employment. Thissection shall not apply to a business which has a key‑cutting devicelocated and used on the premises for the purpose of making replacement keys forthe owner or person who is in lawful custody of a vehicle. (2005‑352, s. 1.)