§14‑5.2. Accessory before fact punishable as principal felon.
All distinctions betweenaccessories before the fact and principals to the commission of a felony areabolished. Every person who heretofore would have been guilty as an accessorybefore the fact to any felony shall be guilty and punishable as a principal tothat felony. However, if a person who heretofore would have been guilty andpunishable as an accessory before the fact is convicted of a capital felony,and the jury finds that his conviction was based solely on the uncorroboratedtestimony of one or more principals, coconspirators, or accessories to thecrime, he shall be guilty of a Class B2 felony. (1981, c. 686, s. 1; 1994,Ex. Sess., c. 22, s. 6.)