§ 14‑69.3. Arson orother unlawful burning that results in serious injury to a firefighter oremergency medical technician.
A person is guilty of a ClassE felony if the person commits a felony under Article 15 of Chapter 14 of theGeneral Statutes and a firefighter or emergency medical technician suffersserious bodily injury while discharging or attempting to discharge thefirefighter's or emergency medical technician's duties on the property, orproximate to the property, that is the subject of the firefighter's oremergency medical technician's discharge or attempt to discharge his or herrespective duties. As used in this section, the term "emergency medicaltechnician" includes an emergency medical technician, an emergency medicaltechnician‑intermediate, and an emergency medical technician‑paramedic,as those terms are defined in G.S. 131E‑155. (2003‑392, s. 3(a).)