§ 14‑72.6. Feloniouslarceny, possession, or receiving of stolen goods from a permitted constructionsite.
(a) A person is guiltyof a Class I felony if he commits any of the following offenses, where thegoods are valued in excess of three hundred dollars ($300.00) but less than onethousand dollars ($1,000):
(1) Larceny of goodsfrom a permitted construction site.
(2) Possessing orreceiving of stolen goods, with actual knowledge or having reasonable groundsto believe that the goods were stolen from a permitted construction site.
(b) As used in thissection, a "permitted construction site" is a site where a permit,license, or other authorization has been issued by the State or a localgovernmental entity for the placement of new construction or improvements toreal property. (2005‑208,s. 1.)