§ 162‑34. UnitedStates prisoners.
When a prisoner is delivered to the keeper of the county jail by theauthority of the United States, such keeper shall receive and commit suchprisoner if the jail has adequate and available housing space. The keeper of thecounty jail shall not be subject to any pains or penalties for refusal toreceive and commit a federal prisoner. The United States shall reimburse thecounty for the incarceration of any federal prisoner at such rate as may beagreed upon between the county and the United States. (1790, c. 322, ss. 1, 2, P.R.; R.C., c. 87, s. 1;Code, s. 3456; Rev., s. 1342; C.S., s. 1349; 1973, c. 822, s. 3; 1983, c. 219.)