Article 2.
Sheriff's Bond.
§ 162‑8. Bond required.
The sheriff shall furnish a bond payable to the State of North Carolinafor the due execution and return of process, the payment of fees and moneyscollected, and the faithful execution of his office as sheriff, which shall beconditioned as follows:
The condition of the above obligation is such that, whereas the abovebounden ______ is elected and appointed sheriff of ______ County; if therefore,he shall well and truly execute and due return make of all process and preceptsto him directed, and pay and satisfy all fees and sums of money by him receivedor levied by virtue of any process into the proper office into which the same,by the tenor thereof, ought to be paid, or to the person to whom the same shallbe due, his executors, administrators, attorneys, or agents; and in all otherthings well and truly and faithfully execute the said office of sheriff duringhis continuance therein, then above obligation to be void; otherwise to remainin full force and effect.
The amount of the bond shall be determined by the board of countycommissioners, but shall not exceed twenty‑five thousand dollars($25,000). (1777, c. 118, s.1, P.R.; 1823, c. 1223, P.R.; R.C., c. 105, s. 13; 1879, c. 109; Code, s. 2073;1895, c. 270, ss. 1, 2; 1899, c. 54, s. 52; c. 207, s. 2; 1903, c. 12; Rev., s.298; C.S., s. 3930; 1943, c. 543; 1983, c. 670, s. 4.)