§ 162‑9. Countycommissioners to take and approve bonds.
The board of county commissioners in every county shall take andapprove the official bond of the sheriffs, which they shall cause to beregistered and the original deposited with the clerk of superior court forsafekeeping. The bond shall be taken on the first Monday of December next afterthe election. (1806, c. 699, s.2, P.R.; 1830, c. 5, s. 5; R.C., c. 105, s. 6; 1868, c. 20, s. 32; 1876‑7,c. 276, s. 5; Code, ss. 2066, 2068; Rev., s. 2812; C.S., s. 3931; 1983, c. 670,s. 5.)