§9‑11. Supplemental jurors; special venire.
(a) If necessary, thecourt may, without using the jury list, order the sheriff to summon from day today additional jurors to supplement the original venire. Jurors so summonedshall have the same qualifications and be subject to the same challenges asjurors selected for the regular jury list. If the presiding judge finds thatservice of summons by the sheriff is not suitable because of his direct orindirect interest in the action to be tried, the judge may appoint somesuitable person in place of the sheriff to summon supplemental jurors. Theclerk of superior court shall furnish the register of deeds the names of thoseadditional jurors who are so summoned and who report for jury service.
(b) The presiding judgemay, in his discretion, at any time before or during a session direct thatsupplemental jurors or a special venire be selected from the jury list in thesame manner as is provided for the selection of regular jurors. Jurors summonedunder this subsection may be discharged by the court at any time during thesession and are subject to the same challenges as regular jurors, and to noother challenges. (1779, c. 156, s. 69, P.R.; 1830, c. 27; R.C., c. 31,s. 29; c. 35, ss. 30, 31; Code, ss. 1733, 1738, 1739, 1740; 1887, c. 53; 1889,c. 441; 1897, c. 364; Rev., ss. 1967, 1968, 1973, 1974, 1975, 3265, 3602; 1911,c. 15; 1913, c. 31, ss. 1, 2; 1915, c. 210; C.S., ss. 2321, 2322, 2338, 2339,2340, 4635; 1967, c. 218, s. 1; 1969, c. 205, s. 6.)