§ 9‑6.1. Requests to beexcused.
Any person summoned as a jurorwho is 72 years or older and who wishes to be excused, deferred, or exemptedmay make the request without appearing in person by filing a signed statementof the ground of the request with the chief district court judge of thatdistrict, or the district court judge or trial court administrator designatedby the chief district court judge pursuant to G.S. 9‑6(b), at anytimefive days before the date upon which the person is summoned to appear. A personmay request either a temporary or permanent exemption under this section, andthe judge or trial court administrator may accept or reject either in theexercise of discretion conferred by G.S. 9‑6(b), including thesubstitution of a temporary exemption for a requested permanent exemption. Inthe case of supplemental jurors summoned under G.S. 9‑11, notice may begiven when summoned. In case the chief district court judge, or the judge ortrial court administrator designated by the chief district court judge pursuantto G.S. 9‑6(b), rejects the request for exemption, the prospective jurorshall be immediately notified by the trial court administrator or the clerk ofcourt by telephone, letter, or personally. (1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1207, s. 2; 1981, c. 9, ss. 1, 2;c. 430, ss. 4, 5; 2005‑149, s. 1.)