§ 27-6-29 Adherence to rating organizationfilings Deviation filings. Every member of or subscriber to a rating organization shall adhere to thefilings made on its behalf by the organization; except that any insurer whichis a member or subscriber may file with the commissioner a deviation from theclass rates, schedules, rating plans, or rules respecting any kind of insuranceor class of risk within a kind of insurance or combination of it. The deviationfiling shall specify the basis for the modification and a copy shall also besent simultaneously to the rating organization. Any deviation filing shall beon file for a waiting period of thirty (30) days before it becomes effectiveunless the commissioner reviews and authorizes the filing to become effectivebefore the expiration of that period and shall be subject to the provisions of§§ 27-6-17 27-6-22. Each deviation shall be effective for aperiod of not less than one year from the date the deviation is filed unlessterminated with the approval of the commissioner or in accordance with theprovisions of §§ 27-6-17 27-6-22.