17-33-1. Title -- Establishment of merit system -- Separate systems for peaceofficers and firemen recognized -- Options of small counties. (1) This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "County Personnel ManagementAct."
(2) A merit system of personnel administration for the counties of the state of Utah, theirdepartments, offices, and agencies, except as otherwise specifically provided, is established.
(3) This chapter recognizes the existence of the merit systems for peace officers of theseveral counties as provided for in Chapter 30, Deputy Sheriffs - Merit System, and for firemenof the several counties as provided for in Chapter 28, Firemen's Civil Service Commission, and isintended to give county commissions the option of using the provisions of this chapter as a singlemerit system for all county employees or in combination with these existing systems for firemenand peace officers.
(4) On or after May 6, 2002, any county that has fewer than 200 employees not coveredby other merit systems or not exempt under Subsections
17-33-8(1)(b)(i) through (vii) may, at itsoption, comply with the provisions of this chapter.
(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (4), any county which was incompliance with the provisions of this chapter prior to May 6, 2002, shall continue to complywith the provisions of this chapter even though the county may not thereafter meet or exceed thethreshold requirements of Subsection (4).
Amended by Chapter 25, 2008 General Session
Amended by Chapter 172, 2008 General Session