17-33-4.5. Council may refer an appeal to an administrative law judge for arecommendation -- Council action on recommendation. (1) (a) A county legislative body may appoint one or more administrative law judges tohear appeals referred by a career service council under this section.
(b) Each administrative law judge shall be trained and experienced in personnel matters.
(2) (a) If a career service council determines that it is in the county's best interest, it mayinitially refer an appeal to an administrative law judge who has been appointed under Subsection(1).
(b) After holding a hearing, the administrative law judge shall make findings of fact and arecommendation to the career service council.
(c) After receiving the administrative law judge's recommendation, a career servicecouncil may request the administrative law judge to hold a further factual hearing before thecareer service council's decision.
(d) A career service council may adopt or reject an administrative law judge'srecommendation, whether before or after a further hearing under Subsection (2)(c).
Enacted by Chapter 241, 2001 General Session