17B-1-112. Publishing district information in telephone directory. (1) Each local district with a total annual budget over $5,000 shall:
(a) subject to Subsection (2), provide the name, telephone number, and address of thedistrict to the telephone directory publisher serving the geographic area within which the districtis located; and
(b) request the telephone directory publisher to publish the district's name, telephonenumber, and address in the government or other appropriate government-related section of thepublisher's telephone directory that serves the area within which the district is located.
(2) If the district does not have a telephone or address or both, the district shall providethe telephone number or address or both, as the case may be, of the district's officer in charge ofthe district's day to day operations, for and in the place of the telephone number or address orboth of the district.
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to a local district whose name, telephone number, andaddress are published in the government or other appropriate government-related section of thetelephone directory of the telephone directory publisher serving the geographic area within whichthe local district is located.
Enacted by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session