Chapter 01 - Provisions Applicable to All Local Districts
- 17B-1-101 - Title.
- 17B-1-102 - Definitions.
- 17B-1-103 - Local district status and powers.
- 17B-1-104 - Property owner provisions.
- 17B-1-105 - Name of local district -- Name change.
- 17B-1-106 - Notice before preparing or amending a long-range plan or acquiring certain property.
- 17B-1-107 - Recording a release of lien.
- 17B-1-108 - Restrictions on local district procurement of architect-engineer services.
- 17B-1-109 - Procurement -- Use of recycled goods.
- 17B-1-110 - Compliance with nepotism requirements.
- 17B-1-111 - Impact fee resolution -- Notice and hearing requirements.
- 17B-1-112 - Publishing district information in telephone directory.
- 17B-1-113 - Liability insurance.
- 17B-1-114 - Local district property taxes on a parity with general taxes.
- 17B-1-115 - Validation of previously created local districts -- Continuation of certain local districts under this chapter -- Providing a previously authorized service.
- 17B-1-116 - Property exempt from taxation and execution.
- 17B-1-117 - Severability.
- 17B-1-118 - Local district hookup fee -- Preliminary design or site plan from a specified public agency.
- 17B-1-201 - Definitions.
- 17B-1-202 - Local district may be created -- Services that may be provided -- Limitations.
- 17B-1-203 - Process to initiate the creation of a local district -- Petition or resolution.
- 17B-1-204 - Request for service required before filing of petition -- Request requirements.
- 17B-1-205 - Petition and request requirements -- Withdrawal of signature.
- 17B-1-206 - Request certification -- Amended request.
- 17B-1-207 - Signature on request may be used on petition.
- 17B-1-208 - Additional petition requirements and limitations.
- 17B-1-209 - Petition certification -- Amended petition.
- 17B-1-210 - Public hearing.
- 17B-1-211 - Notice of public hearings -- Publication of resolution.
- 17B-1-212 - Resolution indicating whether the requested service will be provided.
- 17B-1-213 - Protest after adoption of resolution -- Adoption of resolution approving creation for certain districts.
- 17B-1-214 - Election -- Exceptions.
- 17B-1-215 - Notice and plat to lieutenant governor -- Recording requirements -- Certificate of incorporation -- Local district incorporated as specialized local district or basic local district -- Eff
- 17B-1-216 - Costs and expenses of creating a local district.
- 17B-1-217 - Conclusive presumption regarding creation and existence.
- 17B-1-301 - Board of trustees duties and powers.
- 17B-1-302 - Board member qualifications -- Number of board members.
- 17B-1-303 - Term of board of trustees members -- Oath of office -- Bond.
- 17B-1-304 - Appointment procedures for appointed members.
- 17B-1-305 - Notice of offices to be filled.
- 17B-1-306 - Local district board -- Election procedures.
- 17B-1-306.5 - Dividing a local district into divisions.
- 17B-1-307 - Annual compensation -- Per diem compensation -- Participation in group insurance plan -- Reimbursement of expenses.
- 17B-1-308 - Boards of trustees comprised of county or municipal legislative body members.
- 17B-1-309 - Board officers -- Term.
- 17B-1-310 - Quorum of board of trustees -- Meetings of the board.
- 17B-1-311 - Board member prohibited from district employment -- Exception.
- 17B-1-312 - Training for board members.
- 17B-1-313 - Publication of notice of board resolution or action -- Contest period -- No contest after contest period.
- 17B-1-401 - Definitions.
- 17B-1-402 - Annexation of area outside local district.
- 17B-1-403 - Initiation of annexation process -- Petition and resolution.
- 17B-1-404 - Petition requirements.
- 17B-1-405 - Petition certification.
- 17B-1-406 - Notice to county and municipality -- Exception.
- 17B-1-407 - Notice of intent to consider providing service -- Public hearing requirements.
- 17B-1-408 - Resolution indicating whether the requested service will be provided.
- 17B-1-409 - Public hearing on proposed annexation.
- 17B-1-410 - Notice of public hearing.
- 17B-1-411 - Modifications to area proposed for annexation -- Limitations.
- 17B-1-412 - Protests -- Election.
- 17B-1-413 - Hearing, notice, and protest provisions do not apply for certain petitions.
- 17B-1-414 - Resolution approving an annexation -- Filing of notice and plat with lieutenant governor -- Recording requirements -- Effective date.
- 17B-1-415 - Annexation of wholesale district through expansion of retail provider.
- 17B-1-416 - Automatic annexation to a district providing fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services or law enforcement service.
- 17B-1-417 - Boundary adjustment -- Notice and hearing -- Protest -- Resolution adjusting boundaries -- Filing of notice and plat with the lieutenant governor -- Recording requirements -- Effective dat
- 17B-1-418 - Annexed area subject to fees, charges, and taxes.
- 17B-1-501 - Definition.
- 17B-1-502 - Withdrawal of area from local district -- Automatic withdrawal in certain circumstances -- Definitions.
- 17B-1-503 - Withdrawal or boundary adjustment with municipal approval.
- 17B-1-504 - Initiation of withdrawal process -- Notice of petition.
- 17B-1-505 - Withdrawal of municipality in certain districts providing fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services or law enforcement service.
- 17B-1-506 - Withdrawal petition requirements.
- 17B-1-507 - Withdrawal petition certification -- Amended petition.
- 17B-1-508 - Public hearing -- Quorum of board required to be present.
- 17B-1-509 - Notice of hearing and withdrawal.
- 17B-1-510 - Resolution approving or rejecting withdrawal -- Criteria for approval or rejection -- Terms and conditions.
- 17B-1-511 - Continuation of tax levy after withdrawal to pay for proportionate share of district bonds.
- 17B-1-512 - Filing of notice and plat -- Recording requirements -- Contest period -- Judicial review.
- 17B-1-513 - Termination of terms of trustees representing withdrawn areas.
- 17B-1-601 - Definitions.
- 17B-1-602 - Fiscal year.
- 17B-1-603 - Uniform accounting system.
- 17B-1-604 - Funds and account groups maintained.
- 17B-1-605 - Budget required for certain funds -- Capital projects fund.
- 17B-1-606 - Total of revenues to equal expenditures.
- 17B-1-607 - Tentative budget to be prepared -- Review by governing body.
- 17B-1-608 - Tentative budget and data -- Public records.
- 17B-1-609 - Hearing to consider adoption.
- 17B-1-610 - Public hearing on tentatively adopted budget.
- 17B-1-611 - Continuing authority of governing body.
- 17B-1-612 - Accumulated fund balances -- Limitations -- Excess balances -- Unanticipated excess of revenues -- Reserves for capital projects.
- 17B-1-613 - Appropriations not to exceed estimated expendable revenue -- Determination of revenue -- Appropriations for existing deficits.
- 17B-1-614 - Adoption of final budget -- Certification and filing.
- 17B-1-615 - Budgets in effect for budget year.
- 17B-1-616 - Property tax levy -- Amount in budget as basis for determining.
- 17B-1-617 - Fund expenditures -- Budget officer's duties.
- 17B-1-618 - Purchasing procedures.
- 17B-1-619 - Expenditures or encumbrances in excess of appropriations prohibited -- Processing claims.
- 17B-1-620 - Transfer of appropriation balance between accounts in same fund.
- 17B-1-621 - Review of individual governmental fund budgets -- Hearing.
- 17B-1-622 - Amendment and increase of individual fund budgets.
- 17B-1-623 - Emergency expenditures.
- 17B-1-624 - Lapse of appropriations -- Exceptions.
- 17B-1-625 - Transfer of balances in special funds.
- 17B-1-626 - Loans by one fund to another.
- 17B-1-627 - Property tax levy -- Time for setting -- Computation of total levy -- Apportionment of proceeds -- Maximum levy.
- 17B-1-628 - Certification of resolution setting levy.
- 17B-1-629 - Operating and capital budgets.
- 17B-1-630 - Increase in appropriations for operating and capital budget funds -- Notice.
- 17B-1-631 - District clerk -- Meetings and records.
- 17B-1-632 - District clerk -- Bookkeeping duties.
- 17B-1-633 - District treasurer -- Duties generally.
- 17B-1-634 - Receipts for payment.
- 17B-1-635 - Duties with respect to issuance of checks.
- 17B-1-636 - Special assessments -- Application of proceeds.
- 17B-1-637 - Deposit of district funds -- Commingling with personal funds unlawful -- Suspension from office.
- 17B-1-638 - Quarterly financial reports required.
- 17B-1-639 - Annual financial reports -- Independent audit reports.
- 17B-1-640 - Independent audits required.
- 17B-1-641 - Local district may expand uniform procedures -- Limitation.
- 17B-1-642 - Approval of district expenditures.
- 17B-1-643 - Imposing or increasing a fee for service provided by local district.
- 17B-1-644 - Definitions -- Electronic payments -- Fee.
- 17B-1-645 - Residential fee credit.
- 17B-1-701 - Definitions.
- 17B-1-702 - Local districts to submit budgets.
- 17B-1-703 - Local districts to submit audit reports.
- 17B-1-801 - Establishment of local district merit system.
- 17B-1-802 - Review of personnel policies.
- 17B-1-803 - Merit principles.
- 17B-1-804 - Compliance with Labor Code requirements.
- 17B-1-901 - A single bill for multiple commodities, services, or facilities -- Suspending service to a delinquent customer.
- 17B-1-902 - Lien for past due service fees -- Limitations.
- 17B-1-903 - Authority to require written application for water or sewer service and to terminate for failure to pay -- Limitations.
- 17B-1-904 - Collection of service fees.
- 17B-1-1001 - Provisions applicable to property tax levy.
- 17B-1-1002 - Limit on local district property tax levy -- Exclusions.
- 17B-1-1101 - Provisions applicable to a local district's issuance of bonds.
- 17B-1-1102 - General obligation bonds.
- 17B-1-1103 - Levy to pay for general obligation bonds.
- 17B-1-1104 - Pledge of revenues to pay for bonds.
- 17B-1-1105 - Revenue bonds -- Requirement to impose rates and charges to cover revenue bonds -- Authority to make agreements and covenants to provide for bond repayment.
- 17B-1-1106 - Board of trustees required to fix rates to cover district expenses and bonds.
- 17B-1-1107 - Ratification of previously issued bonds and previously entered contracts.
- 17B-1-1201 - Definitions.
- 17B-1-1202 - Authority to file a validation petition -- Petition requirements -- Amending or supplementing a validation petition.
- 17B-1-1203 - Hearing on a validation petition.
- 17B-1-1204 - Notice of the hearing on a validation petition -- Amended or supplemented validation petition.
- 17B-1-1205 - Property owner or interested person may appear in validation proceedings -- Failure to appear.
- 17B-1-1206 - Validation petition hearing -- Validation proceedings.
- 17B-1-1207 - Findings, conclusions, and judgment -- Costs -- Effect of judgment -- Appeal.
- 17B-1-1301 - Definitions.
- 17B-1-1302 - Local district dissolution.
- 17B-1-1303 - Initiation of dissolution process.
- 17B-1-1304 - Petition requirements.
- 17B-1-1305 - Petition certification.
- 17B-1-1306 - Public hearing.
- 17B-1-1307 - Notice of public hearing and of dissolution.
- 17B-1-1308 - Dissolution resolution -- Limitations on dissolution -- Distribution of remaining assets -- Notice to lieutenant governor -- Recording requirements.
- 17B-1-1401 - Status of and provisions applicable to a basic local district.
- 17B-1-1402 - Board of trustees of a basic local district.
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