17B-1-115. Validation of previously created local districts -- Continuation ofcertain local districts under this chapter -- Providing a previously authorized service. (1) Each local district created before April 30, 2007 under the law in effect at the time ofthe creation is declared to be validly and legally constituted.
(2) An entity created and operating under the law in effect before April 30, 2007 as alocal district but not as a cemetery maintenance district, drainage district, fire protection district,improvement district, irrigation district, metropolitan water district, mosquito abatement district,public transit district, service area, or water conservancy district shall continue on and after April30, 2007 as a local district subject to the provisions of this chapter but not subject to theprovisions of Chapter 2a, Provisions Applicable to Different Types of Local Districts.
(3) Nothing in this title may be construed to prohibit or limit a local district fromproviding on or after April 30, 2007 a service that it was authorized before that date to provide.
Enacted by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session