17B-1-203. Process to initiate the creation of a local district -- Petition orresolution. (1) The process to create a local district may be initiated by:
(a) subject to Section
17B-1-204, a petition signed by the owners of private real propertythat:
(i) is located within the proposed local district;
(ii) covers at least 33% of the total private land area within the proposed local district asa whole and within each applicable area;
(iii) is equal in value to at least 25% of the value of all private real property within theproposed local district as a whole and within each applicable area; and
(iv) complies with the requirements of Subsection
17B-1-205(1) and Section
(b) subject to Section
17B-1-204, a petition that:
(i) is signed by registered voters residing within the proposed local district as a wholeand within each applicable area, equal in number to at least 33% of the number of votes cast inthe proposed local district as a whole and in each applicable area, respectively, for the office ofgovernor at the last regular general election prior to the filing of the petition; and
(ii) complies with the requirements of Subsection
17B-1-205(1) and Section
(c) a resolution proposing the creation of a local district, adopted by the legislative bodyof each county whose unincorporated area includes and each municipality whose boundariesinclude any of the proposed local district; or
(d) a resolution proposing the creation of a local district, adopted by the board of trusteesof an existing local district whose boundaries completely encompass the proposed local district,if:
(i) the proposed local district is being created to provide one or more components of thesame service that the initiating local district is authorized to provide; and
(ii) the initiating local district is not providing to the area of the proposed local districtany of the components that the proposed local district is being created to provide.
(2) (a) Each resolution under Subsection (1)(c) or (d) shall:
(i) describe the area proposed to be included in the proposed local district;
(ii) be accompanied by a map that shows the boundaries of the proposed local district;
(iii) describe the service proposed to be provided by the proposed local district;
(iv) if the resolution proposes the creation of a specialized local district, specify the typeof specialized local district proposed to be created;
(v) explain the anticipated method of paying the costs of providing the proposed service;
(vi) state the estimated average financial impact on a household within the proposedlocal district;
(vii) state the number of members that the board of trustees of the proposed local districtwill have, consistent with the requirements of Subsection
(viii) for a proposed basic local district:
(A) state whether the members of the board of trustees will be elected or appointed orwhether some members will be elected and some appointed, as provided in Section
(B) if one or more members will be elected, state the basis upon which each electedmember will be elected; and
(C) if applicable, explain how the election or appointment of board members willtransition from one method to another based on stated milestones or events, as provided in
Section 17B-1-1402;
(ix) for a proposed improvement district whose remaining area members or countymembers, as those terms are defined in Section 17B-2a-404, are to be elected, state that thosemembers will be elected; and
(x) for a proposed service area that is entirely within the unincorporated area of a singlecounty, state whether the initial board of trustees will be:
(A) the county legislative body;
(B) appointed as provided in Section 17B-1-304; or
(C) elected as provided in Section 17B-1-306.
(b) Each county or municipal legislative body adopting a resolution under Subsection(1)(c) shall, on or before the first public hearing under Section 17B-1-210, mail or deliver a copyof the resolution to the responsible body if the county or municipal legislative body's resolution isone of multiple resolutions adopted by multiple county or municipal legislative bodies proposingthe creation of the same local district.
(3) Each petition under Subsection (1)(a) or (b) to create a local district to acquire agroundwater right under Subsection 17B-1-103(2)(a) or (b) shall explain the anticipated methodof paying for the groundwater right acquisition.
Amended by Chapter 150, 2010 General Session