17B-1-205. Petition and request requirements -- Withdrawal of signature. (1) Each petition and request shall:
(a) indicate the typed or printed name and current residence address of each propertyowner or registered voter signing the petition;
(b) if it is a property owner request or petition, indicate the address of the property as towhich the owner is signing the request or petition;
(c) describe the entire area of the proposed local district;
(d) be accompanied by a map showing the boundaries of the entire proposed localdistrict;
(e) specify the service proposed to be provided by the proposed local district;
(f) if the petition or request proposes the creation of a specialized local district, specifythe type of specialized local district proposed to be created;
(g) for a proposed basic local district:
(i) state whether the members of the board of trustees will be elected or appointed orwhether some members will be elected and some appointed, as provided in Section
(ii) if one or more members will be elected, state the basis upon which each electedmember will be elected; and
(iii) if applicable, explain how the election or appointment of board members willtransition from one method to another based on stated milestones or events, as provided inSection
(h) for a proposed improvement district whose remaining area members or countymembers, as those terms are defined in Section
17B-2a-404, are to be elected, state that thosemembers will be elected; and
(i) for a proposed service area that is entirely within the unincorporated area of a singlecounty, state whether the initial board of trustees will be:
(i) the county legislative body;
(ii) appointed as provided in Section
17B-1-304; or
(iii) elected as provided in Section
17B-1-306; and
(j) designate up to five signers of the petition or request as sponsors, one of whom shallbe designated as the contact sponsor, with the mailing address and telephone number of each.
(2) A signer of a request or petition may withdraw or, once withdrawn, reinstate thesigner's signature at any time before the filing of the request or petition by filing a writtenwithdrawal or reinstatement with:
(a) in the case of a request:
(i) the clerk of the county or the clerk or recorder of the municipality in whose applicablearea the signer's property is located, if the request is a property owner request; or
(ii) the clerk of the county or the clerk or recorder of the municipality in whoseapplicable area the signer resides, if the request is a registered voter request; or
(b) in the case of a petition, the responsible clerk.
Amended by Chapter 360, 2008 General Session